Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

캐리비안 베이 수영장> Kolam Renang Carribean Bay Korea

Looking at that we are in Korea in summer so it was ideal that we made a trip to Everland’s Caribbean Bay. This location on our Ssangchu couple has many developments. Hyun Joong reveal he does not like his wife in a bikini … he fears for her safety and perhaps a wardrobe failure and in the end they met the Ant couple which started their competitive streak

Caribbean Bay is located next to Everland and just need to follow the signages

We did not know that 6 June will be a public holiday in Korea – War Memorial Day. The place is packed like sardines
Let the Mission Begin

HwangBo and Hyun Joong’s arrival at Caribbean Bay. Actually the entrance into Caribbean Bay is not from that direction

Our Arrival

At the Locker Rooms. At this point I made a decision not to change into the swimsuit as it was a totally overcrowded and I have a thing about crowds

I am at the Locker Rooms

Onwards to the Theme Park

I am also onwards to the park

This Beach is made of Concrete

It is me on the same beach

Warm up Exercise

I am warming up too. It is pretty hot, I must say. How you like the ‘dead’ fish on the beach?

HwangBo’s “Puppy” going into action

Yooo Hooo!!! “Puppy”

Coming out after playing hard in the waters

I am at the edge of the waters

The very “personal” foot masseur

I had to borrow this seat for a while. Minnie Mouse & Wonder Woman are next to me and a pink and blue bodies in bikini for your eyes to see

Honouring the Bet

Found the Stall

HwangBo and Hyun Joong purchasing food and drinks

Purchasing food and drinks

Purchased a Churros and a hotdog with two cokes

HwangBo and Hyun Joong cheered their drinks

Carrying on with the mission

Going to Cabana Village

Cabana Village in 2011

Taking their place at Cabana No: 18

Cabana Village No 18: 18 was in used when I was there so hence I can only just take the view of the outside as there were people resting inside.

Speaking of “Jung Min”

“Jung Min” and I

Inside chatting in a Cabana

Resting in another Cabana No:18

Meeting the Ant Couple

The location area

The diving pool

The diving pool area but it was closed on that day

The Rest Area after the Diving Pool

The Rest Area

The couples at play … “HwangBo is very fierce indeed”

The weather is very fierce

The play area where the couple held their challenge

This play area is actually for kids

The Lunch Area

The Lunch Area – Harbour Master
This ends the mission on Caribbean Bay. With this I believe I have covered the major known locations of our couple in “We Got Married”. I hope many of us will be able to find their way with the ground work we have done since 2009. I hope to read more of the other exploits of the many visits to Korea.

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